Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou

Webinaire sous le Thème «Experience of an engineer with startups» avec Dr. Belgacem HABA

26 Oct 2021 | Manifestations scientifiques, Recueils M-S

Belgacem HABA: Experience of an engineer with startups

La Faculté de Génie Electrique et d’Informatique et le Laboratoire de Conception et Conduite des Systèmes de production (L2CSP) organisent un Webinaire sous le Thème « Experience of an engineer with startups » avec Dr. Belgacem HABA, un chercheur Algérien de notoriété international, une brève biographie de Dr. HABA est donnée ci-dessous. L’évènement aura lieu le Mercredi 20 octobre 2021 à 19 h 00mn (heure d’Alger).

Biographie :

Dr. Belgacem Haba was born in 1957 in El-Meghaier, wilaya d’El-Meghaier, Algeria. Dr. Haba joined Xperi (previously Tessera) in 1996 and is now its Senior Technical Fellow and Vice President. Today he is heading the path finding team in its electronic R&D division. His latest activities include the development of 3D technologies for the evolution of microelectronics. Dr. Haba was with Google data center platform division as senior staff and before that he co-founded SiliconPipe Inc. in 2002, a high-speed interconnects Start-up company based in Silicon Valley that got acquired by Samsung. He also managed the advanced packaging R&D activities at Rambus. From 1988 to 1996, he worked for both the NEC Central Research Laboratories in Tokyo Japan and the IBM Watson Research Center in New York on the applications of lasers in microelectronics. In 1990, Dr. Haba spent a short time teaching at the University of Biskra.

Dr. Haba Holds a Ph.D. in materials science and engineering in 1988 from Stanford University, California in the field of solar energy. He also obtained two master’s degrees in applied physics and materials science and engineering from the same university. He received his D.E.S. degree in physics from the University of USTHB, Algeria in 1980. Dr. Haba holds over 500 issued U.S. patents, and over 1600 patents and patent applications worldwide. He is listed among the top 100 most prolific inventors worldwide. In 2017 he opened the Haba Institute in Algeria to help young entrepreneurs. Dr. Haba was published and conferenced worldwide and was recognized in many occasions. To name a few; Kuwait Informatics Badge of honor in 2019, Wissam-el-3alam Aljazairi in 2015, R&D100 award for the most prestigious innovation in 2003, and the opening of the Nasdaq in 2007.


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