Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou

UfM Training Webinar – Leading the Digital Transformation in Higher Education

12 Nov 2024 | VRELEX

To assist Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in their digital transformation, the UfM and UOC are organizing a series of two training workshops for senior academic leaders, management, teaching and research staff in the Mediterranean region.

A first training block was held earlier this month. It focused on the transformation of the institutions themselves, their digitalisation and the leadership processes required to implement a digital transformation project, and was aimed at senior academic leaders, managers and teaching staff. You can find and download the presentations used by the speakers of the four sessions of this first training block in this link. You can also access a recorded version of the webinars:

A second block will be held on 2 and 3 December. This second part of the training focuses on the pedagogical transformation of higher education with technology at its core and is aimed at teaching and research staff from HEIs in the Mediterranean region. These workshops will be 6.5 hours long over two days, and will be delivered in webinar format for ease of follow-up. The programme is entitled: Designing inclusive and quality digital learning: trends, tools, and competencies for Higher Education. A course for teaching and research staff.  You can register and check a detailed programme here.

Please note that UfM/UOC certificates of attendance will be issued to those participants who attend at least 80% of the scheduled sessions. 

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