Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou


Vice rectorat chargé des relations exterieures et des manifestations scientifiques

INVITATION: 1st International Teaching Week at Powiślański University, Poland

26 Juil 2024 | Coopération, VRELEX

Dear Partner,
In terms of my recent invitation to the International Teaching Week’24, this is a kind reminder and please note that there has been issues with the registration form, which is available through here: https://forms.office.com/e/wNMjaxgTYM
This is a kind reminder for the distribution. 
Just recently in May, Powiślański University, Poland has held an 6th edition of International Week 2024, during which we hosted 50 participants from 34 Higher Education Institutions from 22 countries and 4 continents. 
We want to thank our amazing partner institutions for making this event truly an international, intercultural experience, without you we wouldn’t have such great participation! We have not envisioned having so many interested participants and that is why, Powiślański University would like to extend another invitation, this time for our 1st International Teaching Week, directed mainly for academic staff organized between 23-27th of October in Gdańsk, Poland. 
We would love to see representative of our partner universities once again!
Please see in the attachment the leaflets and the Call for participants that could be disseminated among your colleagues and posted on your group/social media/ website along with the text below (would be great if you could tag us on Facebook/Instagram – Powiślański University @powislanski.uni):
Dear Colleagues,
Apply & Join!!
You have a chance to spend a week at Powiślański University in Poland, who is organising it’s 1st International Teaching Week between 23-27th of October in their branch in Gdańsk, Poland.  The event is directed to the Academic Staff.
Don’t miss your chance, apply!
Program Details:
⏰ Duration: 23-27th of October, 2024
        Location: Gdańsk, Poland
✅ Eligible Departments:
•     Business Administration
•     Economics
•     Management
•     Finance
•     Accounting
•     Nursing
•     Dietetics
•     Cosmetology
•     Emergency Medicine
•     Midwifery
🔶 Participant’s Benefits:
Best practices in international teaching 
New methods of teaching
Erasmus+ scholarship – please apply at your host university for KA131 grant (STA or STT)
International Networking
Explore Northern Poland
🔔 Application Deadline: 30th of August, 2024
We still have 1 place for your staff mobility!
We look forward to receiving your applications and welcoming you to this enriching Erasmus+ mobility experience at Powiślański University. Should you have any queries or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to us via erasmus@powislanska.edu.pl
Please note that the maximum number of participants from the same institution is 2.
We would be grateful for the dissemination of the attached Call. 


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