Webinar: Industry Decarbonization – The importance of Low Carbon Hydrogen and Power to X

18 Oct 2023 | Actualité

Topic: Industry Decarbonization – The importance of Low Carbon Hydrogen and Power to X.

Fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal have powered most facets of modern life and work since the onset of the industrial age. This had a dramatic impact on the environment and the climate. According to the World Economic Forum, full decarbonization of our energy systems is the only solution to climate stabilization. Decarbonization refers to the process of reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions resulting from human activity in the atmosphere. Currently, our energy consumption is the primary culprit behind CO2 emissions, accounting for 83% of the global output, as reported by McKinsey. Astonishingly, we pump over 34 billion metric tons of CO2 into our atmosphere annually. Decarbonization is to, eventually, eliminate our carbon dioxide emissions. Decarbonization necessitates both technological innovations and societal transitions away from fossil fuel-dependent technologies. As these sectors are intricately linked, the transformation in one will invariably influence the others, underlining the need for a holistic approach.

To date, 197 countries have agreed to gradually reduce the use of fossil fuels and CO2 emissions to reach net carbon neutrality by 2050 and keep global warming below 2 °C by the year 2100 (Paris Agreement).

In this presentation we will review how the combination of Captured Carbon from CO2 Intensive industries and Produced Green/Low Carbon Hydrogen can contribute to the decarbonization and the main technologies involved.

Speaker:  Dr. Hacib Benaissa, Product Development Manager at Lynas Rare Earth Ltd. Malaysia

Dr. Hacib Benaissa’s experience extends over 19 years and includes positions at different multinational companies like Shell, ExxonMobile, and Ceres Power. Currently, Dr. Benaissa is Product Development Manager at Lynas Rare Earth Ltd. where he oversees Developing and Implementing Lynas Rare Earth Product Development Strategy. Focus on developing Rare Earth-based advanced materials to support the Emergence, Growth and Sustainability of the Hydrogen economy as well as CO2 valorization.

Date: Wednesday 25 October, 2023
Time: 14h00 Algeria time, 9:00 AM US Eastern Time

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