Use our online recruitment platform to submit your application
If you would like to join the staff of the Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou, apply to the various competitions organized by our establishment.
News / Recruitment
Competence list for the grade Assistant IT engineer level 1 by promotion by choice
Attached is the list of eligible candidates for the grade of Assistant IT Engineer Level 1 through promotion by choice for the 2022 budget year.
ATS personnel: Results of the 2023 professional examinations
Consult the results of the professional examinations for technical staff for the year 2023 according to the following grades:...
Ceremony in honor of teachers promoted to the rank of Professor
A look back at the ceremony held today, October 10, 2023, to honor teachers promoted to the rank of Professor. Congratulations to...
Listes d'Aptitude (Aptitude Lists) for access through promotion by choice on 12/31/2022
Administrative Attaché Secretary
University Laboratories State Engineer recruitment competition
Tizi-Ouzou's Mouloud Mammeri University is launching a competitive recruitment process for access to the grade of State Laboratory Engineer....
Stock promotions
Administrator Assistant computer engineer level 2 University library assistant level 1 University laboratory assistant...
Listes d'Aptitude (Aptitude Lists) for access through promotion by choice on 12/31/2022
Assistant Administrator Assistant IT engineer level 1 Library assistant level 1 Library assistant level 1 more...
Admission to professional examinations
Below are the admission notices for the following grades: - Administrator. - Assistant administrator - Senior administrative attaché.
Promotion by title
Please find attached the aptitude lists for access to the following grades: - Principal administrative accountant. - Principal secretary...