Use our online recruitment platform to submit your application
If you would like to join the staff of the Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou, apply to the various competitions organized by our establishment.
News / Recruitment
Minutes of the committee responsible for examining applications for the competition to recruit a Class B assistant master.
Procès Verbal de la commission chargée d'examiner les dossiers de candidature au concours de recrutement...
Transcripts of the written tests for the professional examination for the grade of Principal IT Engineer
[pdf-embedder url="" title="relevé de notes...
Notice to candidates for the "B" class assistant professor competition
For further information click here
Professional exam results
Résultats des examens professionnels pour l'accès aux grades suivants: Secrétaire de direction Attachée d'Administration Technicien en Informatique...
Notice to candidates selected for the recruitment competition: architect grade
[pdf-embedder url="" title="concours de recrutement...
Competition results: grade Ingénieur en chef des laboratoires universitaires
Résultats des examens professionnels des 03 grades (Bibliothèque)
Résultats des examens professionnels des 03 grades (Bibliothèque) Documents joints : Agent Technique de Bibliothèque Universitaire Attaché de...
Notice to candidates for the professional examination (Administrator, Principal Administrator, Assistant Administrator, Principal Administrative Attaché)
Notice to candidates selected to take part in the professional test competition
[pdf-embedder url="" title="concours profesionnel 22-02-2021"]