Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou

Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique (LARI)

Publications internationales

Architectures Mobiles et Déploiement de Services (ARCHIMEDES)

  • S. Hamrioui, J. Lloret, P. Lorenz, M. Lalam, TCP Performance in Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Network Protocols and Algorithms International Journal, 2013, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 117-142, ISSN 1943-3581
  • S. Hamrioui, P. Lorenz, J. Lloret, M. Lalam, A Cross Layer Solution for Better Interactions Between Routing and Transport Protocols in MANET, Journal of Computing and Information Technology Vol 21, No 3, pp. 137-147, 2013, ISSN 1330-1136
  • M. Belkadi, R. Aoudjit, M. Daoui, M. Lalam, International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, ISSN 2074-9007
  • R. Aoudjit, M. Belkadi, M. Daoui, L. Chamek, S. Hamrioui, M. Lalam, Mobility Prediction Based on Data Mining, International Journal of Database Theory and Application, Vol. 6, N° 2, April, 2013, ISSN 2005-4270
  • S. HAMRIOUI, J. LLAURET, P. LORENZ, M. LALAM, TCP Performance in Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Network Protocols and Algorithms, Vol 5, No 4 (2013), ISSN 1943-3581

Systèmes d’information Etendus

  • AID Aicha, RASSOUL Idir, Context-aware Framework to Support Situation-awareness for Disaster Management, INT J AD HOC UBIQ CO, 2015.
  • RADJAI Aicha, RASSOUL Idir, Modeling temporal in Electronic healht record system n° 3(3):51-60, 2013
  • RADJAI Aicha, RASSOUL Idir, , Geographic Information Systems: a Unified, 2013.
  • SAIDANI Fayçal,RASSOUL Idir, Feature selection for opinion polarity detection by machine learning method, 2013

Recherche et Recommandation d’Information

  • Hammache A, Boughanem M, Ahmed-Ouamer R, Combining Compound and Single Terms Under Language Model Framework Vol. 39 N° 2 p. 329-349, KNOWL INF SYST, ISSN 0219-1377

Techniques de réservation de ressources dans un environnement mobile

  • Malika BELKADI, Rachida AOUDJIT, Mehammed DAOUI,Mustapha LALAM, Energy-efficient Secure Directed Diffusion Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, Vol. 6, No. 1, PP.50-56, International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS), 2074-9007
  • Malika BELKADI, Rachida AOUDJIT, Mehammed DAOUI, Mustapha LALAM, Mobile Localization Based on Clustering, I. J. Computer Network and Information Security, ISSN 2074-9090
  • Rachida AOUDJIT, Malika BELKADI, Mehammed DAOUI,Mustapha LALAM,Mobility Prediction Based on Data mining, International Journal of Database Theory and Application, ISSN 2005-4270
  • Mehammed Daoui, Mustapha LALAM, Sofiane Hamrioui & Djouher NOUALI, Circuit of Data Aggregation on the Fly for WSN, 142(7), Sensors & Transducers, ISSN 1726-5479
  • Sofiane HAMRIOUI, Mehammed DAOUI, Linda ChamEk, MustaphaLALAM, Pasal Laurenz, Incidences of the improvement of the interactions between MAC and routing protocols on MANET performance, No 4, PP 250-265, Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology, ISSN 2227-4332
  • Said TALBI, M. Koudil, A. Bouabdallah, K. Benatchba, Adaptive and Dual Data-Communication Trust Management for Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks, Telecommunication Systems Journal, ISSN 1018-4864

Réseaux véhiculaires: nouvelles solutions

  • Ouassila Hoceini, Said Talbi, Rachida Aoudjit,Trust framework for a secured routing in wireless sensor network, eTI, Revue électronique en Technologies de l’Information. Numéro 8. 2015, pp 58-65. ISSN 1114-8802.
  • · Rachida. Aoudjit, Malika. Belkadi, Mehammed. Daoui, Lynda. Chamek, Sofiane. Hemrioui, Mustapha. Lalam, Mobility Prediction Based on Data Mining, International Journal of Database Theory and Application, Vol. 6, N°. 2, April 2013, pp.71-78.
  • · Malika BELKADI, Rachida AOUDJIT, Mehammed DAOUI, Mustapha LALAM, Mobile Localization Based on Clustering, International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security, Vol. 5, N°. 9, July 2013, pp.37-44.
  • Malika BELKADI, Rachida AOUDJIT, Mehammed DAOUI, Mustapha LALAM, Energy-Efficient Secure Directed Diffusion Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS), Vol.6, N°1, December 2013, pp.50-56.
  • M. Belkadi, M. Lalam, A. M’zoughi, N. Tamani, M. Daoui and R. Aoudjit, Intelligent Routing and Flow Control in MANETs, Journal of Computing and Information Technology – CIT 18, 2010, 3, 233–243.
  • R. Aoudjit, M. Lalam, A. M’zoughi, M. Belkadi and M. Daoui, Load Balancing: An Approach Based on Clustering in Ad Hoc Networks, Journal of Computing and Information Technology – CIT 17, 2009, 2, 177–184
  • M. Daoui, A. M’zoughi, M. Lalam, M. Belkadi, R Aoudjit, Mobility prediction based on an ant system, Elsevier Computer Communication, Volume 31 Issue 14, Sep. 2008, ISSN 0140-3664
  • R. Aoudjit, M. Lalam, M. Belkadi, M. Daoui, Impact of mobility on the Ad Hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol, WSEAS transactions on information science and applications, Issue 1, Vol. 1 July 2004, ISSN 1790-0832.

Technologies d’Identification

  • R. Aoudjit, M. Lalam, M. Belkadi, M. Daoui, Impact of mobility on the Ad Hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol, WSEAS transactions on information science and applications, Issue 1, Vol. 1 July 2004, ISSN 1790-0832.
  • M. Daoui, A. M’zoughi, M. Lalam, M. Belkadi, R Aoudjit, Mobility prediction based on an ant system, Elsevier Computer Communication, Volume 31 Issue 14, Sep. 2008, ISSN 0140-3664
  • R. Aoudjit, M. Lalam, A. M’zoughi, M. Belkadi and M. Daoui, Load Balancing: An Approach Based on Clustering in Ad Hoc Networks, Journal of Computing and Information Technology – CIT 17, 2009, 2, 177–184.
  • M. Belkadi, M. Lalam, A. M’zoughi, N. Tamani, M. Daoui and R. Aoudjit, Intelligent Routing and Flow Control in MANETs, Journal of Computing and Information Technology – CIT 18, 2010, 3, 233–243.
  • R. Aoudjit, M.Belkadi, M. Daoui, L. Chamek, S. Hamrioui, M. Lalam, Mobility Prediction Based on Data Mining, International Journal of Database Theory and Application, Vol. 6, N° 2, April, 2013, ISSN 2005-4270., pp.71-78.
  • Malika BELKADI, Rachida AOUDJIT, Mehammed DAOUI, Mustapha LALAM, Mobile Localization Based on Clustering, International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security, Vol. 5, N°. 9, July 2013, pp.37-44.
  • M. Belkadi, R. Aoudjit, M. Daoui, M. Lalam, Energy Efficient Secure Directed Diffusion Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science,2014, ISSN 2074-9007

Recherche et Filtrage d’Information (RF)

  • A. Hammache, M. Boughanem, R. Ahmed-Ouamer, Combining compound and single terms under language model framework. Knowledge and Information Systems. Vol 39(2): 329-349 (2014).