Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou

Conférence portant sur l’esprit américain de l’innovation animée par Pr. Chibane

13 Sep 2022 | Enseignants, Etudiants, Evènements

Une conférence portant sur l’esprit américain de l’innovation sera animée par Pr. Cherif CHIBANE, le dimanche 18 Septembre 2022 à 10h à la salle de réunion de la Faculté de Génie Electrique et d’Informatique.

The American spirit of innovation: Why do the major tech companies start in the United Sates?

Abstract: Why do most of the high-tech companies, scientific innovation and technological advances originate in the US? This question will be answered during this talk.

It is a known fact that over the last century, US based companies and research has contributed to most of the advances in electronic, space exploration and medical technologies. In this talk, we explore what makes American engineers and scientists always seek excellence that result in novel ideas and great technologies. The presenter will provide a history of Silicon Valley and insights into the America society and its functioning. The American take charge and can-do attitude will be explained as well as what Algeria can learn will be explored.

Biography: Pr. Chibane is a Lecturer, Research Scientist, Technologist and Entrepreneurs with more than 30 years of experience in advanced technology development for NASA, DARPA and major Aerospace companies in the US. He is currently the founder and chief scientist of AuresTech, which performs research for the aerospace industry in the US.

Previously, he was a research scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology- Lincoln Laboratory and Draper Laboratory where he led research in advanced space communications, as well as in aerospace in guidance and navigation. He was one of the early adaptors of configurable computing that is currently being applied configurable computing to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). He is a former adjunct professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University where he lectured on advanced engineering topics and mentored and advised students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Prof. Chibane is the holder of many industry awards and has recently been awarded a key patent in the RF energy to DC conversion that is poised to revolutionize all future battery-operated hand such as hand-held devices, cars and IoT.

La communauté universitaire est cordialement invitée.

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