Notice of defence Afroun Fairouz
Notices of support
Notice of support Hamdadou Dyhia
Madame Hamdadou Dyhia soutiendra sa thèse de...
Notice of defence Ait Mouloud Samia
Madame Ait Mouloud Samia will support her...
Notice of defence Kerbel Safia
Madame KERBEL Safia soutiendra sa thèse de...
Notice of defence Khaled Khodja Nabyla
Madame KHALED KHODJA Nabyla will support her...
Notice of defence Segueni Fadhila
Madame Segueni Fadhila soutiendra sa thèse de...
Notice of defence Si Amer Hadjira
Madame Si Amer Hadjira will support her...
Notice of defence Saad Hassane
Monsieur Saad Hassane soutiendra sa thèse de...
Notice of defence Ben Allak Ameziane
Monsieur Ben Allak Ameziane soutiendra sa thèse...
Notice of defence Sadoud Ahmed
Monsieur Sadoud Ahmed soutiendra sa thèse de...