Notice of defence Afroun Fairouz
Notices of support
Notice of defence Ms OUCHALAL Houria
Ms. OUCHALAL Houria will submit her Habilitation...
Notice of defence Ms ZEDEK BENKACI Rezika
Mme. ZEDEK BENKACI Rezika Soutiendra sa thèse de...
Notice of defence Ms AIMENE Sonia
Mme. AIMENE Sonia soutiendra son Doctorat en...
Notice of defence Ms AICHE Ourdia
Ms. AICHE Ourdia will submit her Habilitation...
Notice of defence Ms NANECHE FARIZA
Mme. NANECHE FARIZA Soutiendra sa thèse de...
Notice of defence Ms OULTAF Lynda
Mme. OULTAF Lynda Soutiendra sa thèse de...
Notice of defence Hammar Katia
Mademoiselle Hammar Katia soutiendra sa thèse de...
Notice of defence Alileche Ahmed
Monsieur ALILECHE Ahmed soutiendra sa thèse de...
Notice of support Akli Amel
Madame AKLI Amel soutiendra sa thèse de Doctorat...