Notice of defence Afroun Fairouz
Notices of support
Notice of defense of Doctorate in Chemistry of Mrs Sabrina HALIT
Notice of defence Ms LOUNACI Djamila
Ms. LOUNACI Djamila will publicly support her...
Notice of defense M.ABERKANE YACINE
Mr ABERKANE YACINE will publicly support his...
Notice of defence KERBICHE Fatima
Ms KERBICHE Fatima will publicly support her...
Defense of the doctoral thesis of Miss Amal SAIDI, blind doctoral student
Ce jour, Mercredi 21 décembre 2022, Mlle SAIDI...
Notice of defense M.HAMAZ Tahar
M.HAMAZ Tahar soutiendra publiquement sa thèse...
Notice of defence Ms ASMI Nabila
Mme ASMI Nabila soutiendra publiquement sa thèse...
Notice of defense Miss SAIDI Amel
Mme SAIDI Amel soutiendra publiquement sa thèse...
Notice of defense Miss ADIL Ania
Mlle ADIL Ania Soutiendra publiquement sa thèse...