Laboratoire Élaboration et Caractérisation des Matériaux et Modélisation (LEC2M)
Laboratoire LEC2M
Communications nationales
M. Ould Ouali, S. Jakani and A. Lodini. « Effects of Microcavities Shape Changes on Mechanical Stresses Multi-Scales Modeling. Neutronic Diffraction Results Comparison”. MECA SENS III, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, October 17 – 19, 2005.
- Larbi Siad and Mohand Ould Ouali. « Dynamic Explicit cell model simulation in porous ductile materials ». 16th European Conference on Fracture
(ECF16): Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures, Alexandroupolis, Greece, July 3-7, 2006.
- Mohand Ould Ouali and Larbi Siad. « Numerical studies of softening due to second population of cavities in metals ». 9th European Mechanics of Material Conference (EMMC9): Local Approach to Fracture, Môret sur Loing, France, May 9-12, 2006.
- Mohand Ould Ouali. « Modélisation micromécanique de la rupture ductile des métaux ». Colloque International sur la Caractérisation et la
Modélisation des Matériaux et Structures CMMS’08, Tizi-Ouzou, 16-18 novembre, 2008.
- Mohand Ould Ouali and Méziane Aberkane. « Multiscales Modeling Of Microstructure Evolution During Asymmetric Cold Rolling Process « . 11th International Conference on Material Forming, Lyon, France, April 23-25, 2008.
- Aberkane, R. Ferhoum, M. Ould Ouali et Kamel Hachour, « Approche phénoménologique de la rupture des polymères semi-cristallins ». Congrès
Français de Mécanique CFM’09, Marseille, France, 24-28 août 2009.
- Mohand Ould Ouali, Rabah Ferhoum, Méziane Aberkane et Kamel Hachour. « Modélisation de l’endommagement ductile du polyéthylène haute densité ». 3ème Congrès International Conception et Modélisation des Systèmes Mécaniques CMSM’2009, Hammamet, Tunisie, 16-18 mars 2009.
- FERHOUM Rabah, OULD OUALI Mohand, ABERKANE Méziane. Modélisation par l’approche D.N.L.R. (Distribution of Non Linear Relaxation) du comportement mécanique de PEHD. The International congress for applied mechanics (JET’2010), 5-7 mai 2010, Marrakech – Maroc.
- Aberkane Méziane, Ould Ouali Mohand, Ouaked Slimane et Chalal Slimane. Caractérisation à la rupture du PEHD-PE100 à l’aide de méthodes expérimentale et numérique. The International congress for applied mechanics (JET’2010), 5-7 mai 2010, Marrakech – Maroc.
- Mohand OULD OUALI, Madjid ALMANSBA, Nacer Eddine HANNACHI. Numerical and experimental study of ductile fracture of an aluminum alloy during forging process. 19th International Conference on Computer Methods In Mechanics (CMM 2011); May 9-12, 2011, Warsaw, Poland
- Aberkane Méziane and Ould Ouali Mohand. Fracture characterization of ST37-2 thin metal sheet with experimental and numerical methods. 14th International Conference on Sheet Metal (SheMet2011), 18-20 avril 2011, Leuven, Belgique.
- ALMANSBA, M. OULD OUALI and N. E. HANNACHI. Micromechanical and phenomenological approaches of the sheet folding process. 11th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 5-9 juin 2011, Milan, Italy.
- FERHOUM, M. ABERKANE, M. OULD OUALI. Modelling of thermal ageing effect on the elastic-viscoplastic behaviour of semi-cristallin polymers by D.N.L.R approach. 11th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 5-9 juin 2011, Milan, Italy.
- Ferhoum, M. Aberkane and M. Ould Ouali. Distribution of Non-Linear Relaxation approach for the large strains Behaviour and Damage of
Thermoplastics Polymers – Application to the HDPE. 11th biennial conf. on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis (ESDA2012). July 2-4, 2012, Nantes, France
- Youcef MECHERAK, Rachid DJERIDI et Mohand OULD OUALI. Modélisation du comportement à la rupture des élastomères. Application à l’EPDM. The International congress for applied mechanics (JET’2012), 2012, Maroc.
- DJERIDI and M. Ould Ouali. Numerical implementation and finite element analysis of anisotropic hyperelastic biomaterials – Influence of fibers
orientation. 15th International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2013), Porto, Portugal, April 23-25, 2013.
- Rachid DJERIDI et Mohand Ould Ouali. « Experimental modeling of the wear behaviour of a filled elastomer SBR under dry friction – Influence of
roughness « . International Symposium on Aircraft Materials ACMA 2014, Marrakech, Morocco, 23-26 April 2014.
- Lynda KHEDDACHE, Ourdia BELAIDI, Mohand OULD OUALI, N. Hannachi, Optimization of reinforcement for RC walls with introduction of a
seismic accelerogram. ICDM2, Second International Conference on Damage Mechanics (ICDM2) will be held at the University of Technology of Troyes (France), from 8 to 11 July 2015
- Zerouki Marzak, Mohand OULD OUALI and Khouas Aziz. « Modeling and simulation of the damage viscoplastic behavior of steel AISI 304 ». New trends on fatigue and fracture (NT2F15). Oran, 20-23 octobre 2015.
- Rachid Bensaada, Madjid Almansba, Mohand Ould Ouali and Naceur Eddine Hannachi. The Rousselier model implementation for a dynamic explicit analysis of the ductile fracture. New trends on fatigue and fracture (NT2F15). Oran, 20-23 octobre 2015.
- Nardjes DJAOUI, Aghiles HANNOU, Nassima BEN CHABANE and Mohand OULD OUALI. « Experimental characterization and modeling of Static Strain Aging phenomenon in TU48C steel ». New trends on fatigue and fracture (NT2F15). Oran, 20-23 octobre 2015
- Khouas Aziz, Ben Chabane Nassima, Zerouki Marzak et Ould Ouali Mohand. « Numerical modeling for the viscoplastic-Damage behavior of ductile materials based on the local approach in fracture of mechanics. New trends on fatigue and fracture (NT2F15). Oran, 20-23 octobre 2015
- AIMENE and M. OULD OUALI. Hyperelastic Anisotropic Behavior of The Arterial Wall. 1st International Conference on Materials Design and
Applications (MDA 2016). 30 June – 1 July 2016, Porto, Portugal.
- Fetouh, L.; Belaidi, O.; Ouarezki, N.; Kheddache, L.; Ould Ouali, M.; Kheloui.Taouche, F. Parametric study on a micro-concrete from class « C50 ». 16th International Conference on New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture (NT2F16). (ISBN 978-953-7738-39-6) May 24 – 27, 2016. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Zerouki, N. Ben Chabane, N. Djaoui, M. Ould Ouali. Semi‐physical modeling of damage and thermo‐viscoplastic behavior of 304 AISI steel at dynamic loading. The 10th International conference on Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials (MTDM 2016), 17-20 mai 2016, France.
- Madouni, M. Ould Ouali, H. Degée et N. E. Hannachi. Strengthening technique by composite materials of steel coupling beam-RC wall connections.
The Twenty-fifth (25th) Annual International Conferenceon Composites and Nano Engineering (ICCE-25). July 16-22, 2017. Rome, Italy.
- Madouni, M. Ould Ouali, N. E. Hannachi. Implementation and Validation of a Damage-Friction Constitutive Model for Concrete. International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction (ICERDC 2017) Dec 14-15, 2017. Barcelona, Spain.
- C. Messellek, M. Ould Ouali, Y. Benabid, A. Amrouche and A. Beloulla. Material selection process for femoral component of hip prosthesis using finite element analysis and ranking method. 42èmeCongrès de la Société de Biomécanique, 2-3 novembre 2017, Reims, France.
- Madouni, M. Ould Ouali, H. Degée et N. E. Hannachi. Etude numérique du comportement des assemblages Voiles-Linteaux renforcés par un matériau composite. 35èmesRencontres universitaires de Génie Civil (RUGC). 22-24 mai 2017. Nantes (France).
- C. Messellek, M. Ould Ouali, Y. Benabid. Finite element analysis of different material combination for total hip prosthesis. 11th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ACE-X 2017. 3-6 july, 2017 – Vienna, Austria.
- Karim Belouettar, Mohand Ould Ouali, Naseredine Zeroudi. Simulation and experimental validation of single point incremental sheet forming process for a pyramidal form. 7th International Conference on MECHANICS AND MATERIALS IN DESIGN (M2D2017). (ISBN: 978-989-98832-5-7). Albufeira, Portugal, 11-15 June 2017.
- C. Messellek, M. Ould Ouali, Y. Benabid, A. Amrouche and A. Beloulla. Design optimization and material selection of acetabular component of hip prosthesis using computational concepts. 42èmeCongrès de la Société de Biomécanique, 2-3 novembre 2017, Reims, France.
- Belaidi, N. Ben Chabane, M. Ould Ouali and F. Kheloui. Growth and coalescence of cavities under compressive loading. 2nd International Conference
on Structural Integrity and Durability. October 2-5, 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia
- Ouzeriat and M. Ould Ouali. Phenomenological friction model in elastic contact problems. The Second International Congress on Energetic and
Environmental Systems (IEES-2019), November 1-3, 2019 in Hammamet,Tunisia
- Belaidi, M. Ould Ouali and F. Kheloui. Modelling the influence of thermomechanical heating on the failure of a notched bar. 3rd International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability (ICSID 2019). June 4 – 7, 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Belouettar Karim, Ould Ouali Mohand , Sébastien Thibaud , Ramzi Ben Hmida. Simulation and experimentation of micro-single point incremental forming process of thin sheet metals. 8th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design (M2D 2019). ISBN 978-88-9385-155-8, pp-225-226. Bologna, Italy, 4-6 September 2019.
- Ould Ouali and L. Benabou. Dislocation density-based modeling of a lead-free solder under different strain rates. 24e Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019). August 26-30, 2019, Brest, France.