Laboratoire de Génie Électrique (LGE)
Laboratoire LGE
Publications Internationales
- Zehor Oudni, Hassane Mohellebi, Mouloud Féliachi,’’Finite Elements Modeling of Ferromagnetic plate Induction Heating Control Using Curie Temperature,’’ 13th biennal IEEE conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, CEFC’2008, Athens, Greece, May 11 – 15, 2008.
URL :www.cefc2008
- Z. Oudni, H. Mohellebi, M. Féliachi, ‘’Effect of Aluminum Layer on Induction Heating Control Case Study Using Finite Elements Method ‘’ ICEE’09, USTHB, 19-21 May 2009, Algiers, URL
- A. Hamel, H. Mohellebi, M. Féliachi,’’Particle swarm optimization for two-dimensionnel defect profiles reconstruction in non destructive evaluation,’’, ISEF 2009 – XIV International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering , Arras, France, September 10-12, 2009 URL :
- F. Hocini. H. Mohellebi, M. Féliachi,’’ Dynamic magneto-elastic coupling model applied to thin ferromagnetic plate,’’ ISEF 2009 – XIV International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering , Arras, France, September 10-12, 2009 URL :
- H. Mohellebi. M. Féliachi, ‘’Modèle Couplé Analytique-Numérique Appliqué à la Simulation du Mouvement dans un Dispositif de Lévitation Magnétique,’’ Conférence Internationale : Contrôle Automatique et automatisation des Processus Industriels, Université Technique de Belarus de Minsk 28 – 29 Octobre 2009, BELARUS. URL :
- H. Mohellebi, G. Yousfi,’’ Electrical Conductivity Computation of Stratified Material Using Homogenization Technique Based on Inverse Problem Study’’, ICEE 2009 International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 5-7 December, Boumerde, Algreria. URL
- A. Diche, H. Mohellebi, A. Zaoui, M. Féliachi,’’Transformation Models Applied to 3D Systems Inspection’’ ICEE 2009 International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 5-7 December, Boumerde, Algreria. URL :
- A. Nait-Ouslimane, F. Hocini, H. Mohellebi, S. H. Ould Ouali and. R. Chaibi, International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 5-7 Decembre 2009, Boumerdes, Algérie, URL :
- R.Chaibi, G.I Goulkov ‘’Mesure expérimentale du couple moteur non régulé ’’ ‘’Измерение момента нерегулируемого двигаеля’’. Conférence internationale « Contrôle automatique et automatisation des processus de production », Minsk-Belarus, 28-29 octobre 2009. URL :
- M. Nedjar, S. Rezgui, International Conference on Electrotechnics (ICEL’09), Oran, 2009.
- M. Nedjar, Z. Oudni, International Conference on Electrotechnics (ICEL’09), Oran, 2009
- Z. Oudni, H. Mohellebi, M. Féliachi, ‘’Effect of Aluminum Layer on Induction Heating Control Case Study Using Finite Elements Method, ‘’ICEE’09, USTHB, 19-21 May 2009, Algiers, URL
- A. Hamel, H. Mohellebi, M. Féliachi,’’Particle swarm optimization for two-dimensionnel defect profiles reconstruction in non destructive evaluation,’’, ISEF 2009 – XIV International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fieldsin Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering , Arras, France, September 10-12, 2009 URL :
- F. Hocini. H. Mohellebi, M. Féliachi,’’ Dynamic magneto-elastic coupling model applied to thin ferromagnetic plate,’’ ISEF 2009 – XIV International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering , Arras, France, September 10-12, 2009 URL :
- H. Mohellebi. M. Féliachi, ‘’Modèle Couplé Analytique-Numérique Appliqué à la Simulation du Mouvement dans un Dispositif de Lévitation Magnétique,’’Conférence Internationale : Contrôle Automatique et automatisation des Processus Industriels, Université Technique de Belarus de Minsk 28 – 29 Octobre 2009, BELARUS. URL :
- H. Mohellebi, G. Yousfi,’’ Electrical Conductivity Computation of Stratified Material Using Homogenization Technique Based on Inverse Problem Study’’, ICEE 2009 International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 5-7 December, Boumerde, Algreria.
- A. Diche, H. Mohellebi, A. Zaoui, M. Féliachi,’’Transformation Models Applied to 3D Systems Inspection’’ ICEE 2009 International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 5-7 December, Boumerde, Algreria.
- A. Nait-Ouslimane, F. Hocini, H. Mohellebi, S. H. Ould Ouali and. R. Chaibi, International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 5-7 Decembre 2009, Boumerdes, Algérie, http://…
- R.Chaibi, G.I Goulkov ‘’Mesure expérimentale du couple moteur non régulé ’’ ‘’Измерение момента нерегулируемого двигателя’’. Conférence internationale « Contrôle automatique et automatisation des processus de production », Minsk-Belarus, 28-29 octobre 2009. URL :
- M. Nedjar, S. Rezgui, International Conference on Electrotechnics (ICEL’09), Oran, 2009.
- M. Nedjar, Z. Oudni, International Conference on Electrotechnics (ICEL’09), Oran, 2009.
- M. Nedjar, Z. Oudni, Aging of polyesterimide under AC voltage, International Conference on Electrotechnics, Oran, 2009.
- M. Nedjar, S. Rezgui, Thermal lifetime prediction of polyvinyl chloride using neural networks, International Conference on Electrotechnics, Oran, 2009
- 12M. Nedjar, Y. Sadaoui, Investigation on thermal endurance of polyesterimide used in electrical machines, 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Batna, 11-13 october 2010.
- Y. Mecheri, M. Nedjar, A. Lamure, M. Aufray, C. Drouet, Influence of moisture on the electrical properties of XLPE insulation, 2010 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, pp. 70-73, 2010.
- M. Nedjar, Y. Mecheri,, A. Lamure, M. Aufray, C. Drouet, Effect of moisture on the breakdown voltage of polyesterimide used in electrical machines, 2010 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, pp. 74-77, 2010.15M.S. Herzine, A. Laifaoui, M. Nedjar, Y. Zebboudj, Effet de la température sur la rigidité diélectrique du papier presspahn 7 ème Conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique, Montpellier, France, pp. 284-287, 30-08 au 01-09-2010.
- A. Laifaoui, M. Aissou, M.S. Herzine, M. Nedjar, Y. Zebboudj, Mesure de la tension de rupture diélectrique du polychlorure de vinyle dans un système coaxial et en alternatif, 7 ème Conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique, Montpellier, France, pp. 300-304, 30-08 au 01-09-2010.
- M. Bournane,Y.Sadaoui, Microplasticité des alliages Al-Mg, 1ére Conférence Internationale sur les Mines et Métallurgie CI2M’1, Annaba 10-12 Mai 2010.…
- Ammar Hamel, Hassane Mohellebi, Mouloud Feliachi, “Imperialist Competetive Algorithm Applied to Eddy Currents Nondestructive Evaluation”, The 15th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Non Destructive Evaluation, ENDE’ 2010 13 – 16 June 2010. SZCZECIN, POLAND
- Hassane Mohellebi, Ferroudja Bouali, Mouloud Feliachi, “Use of a Half-Analytical Method for the Detection of Defects in Diet Pulses”, The 15th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Non Destructive Evaluation, ENDE’ 2010 13 – 16 June 2010. SZCZECIN, POLAND
- Farid Hocini, Mourad Hamimid, Hassane Mohellebi, Mouloud, Féliachi, Rachid Chaibi,’’Parameter Identification for NonLinear Magnetostrictive Materials Using Genetic Algorithms’’ XXI Symposium on Electromagnetic Phenomena in NonLinear Circuits, EPNC’2010, Dortmund and Essen29.06-02.07. 2010, Germany.
- H. Mohellebi, M. Cherifi, S. H. Ould Ouali, G. Yousfi, F. Hocini, Etude des Caractéristiques de Dispositifs à Supraconducteurs Destinés à la Lévitation Magnétique et Effet de la Température’’, 5ème Colloque sur les Matériaux du Génie Electrique (MGE’2010, Montpellier 30 Aout-01 Septembre 2010, pp. 182-186, France.
- F. Hocini, H. Mohellebi, M. Féliachi, R. Chaibi, S. H. Ould Ouali,’’ Modèle Inverse de Jiles-Atherton pour les matériaux Magnétostrictifs. Application au Terfenol-D’’, 5ème Colloque sur les Matériaux du Génie Electrique (MGE’2010, Montpellier 30 Aout-01 Septembre 2010, pp. 173-175, France.
- Z. Oudni, M. Féliachi, H. Mohellebi,’’ Stochastic Finite Elements Method Applied to Magnetic Levitation Problem with Random Magnetic Permeability,’’ International Symposium on Electromagnetic Field in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ISEF’2011, Madeira Island, Portugal, 1-3 September, 2011
- Z. Oudni, M. Féliachi, H. Mohellebi,’’Uncertainty propagation for reliability analysis of non destructive testing system’’, MENDEL’2011, 17th International Conference on Soft Computing, Brno, 15-17 June, pp. 510-514, Czech Republic, 2011
- G. Yousfi, H. Mohellebi,’’ Evaluation of the Non-Linear Equivalent Magnetic Permeability of Stratified Material,’’ MENDEL’2011, 17th International Conference on Soft Computing, Brno, 15-17 June, pp. 297-300, Czech Republic, 2011
- A. Nait-Ouslimane, H. Mohellebi,’’ Nonlinear Magneto-Elastic Finite Element Modelling Taking Into Account High Order Magnetostriction Model,’’MENDEL’2011, 17th International Conference on Soft Computing, Brno, 15-17 June, pp. 103-106, Czech Republic, 2011
- M.Abdellah, G.Abdessalam, H.Mohellebi ;’’Study of the Propulsion Strength of the Rails Launcher,’’ International Conference on Electromagnetics and Advanced Applications, ICEAA’11 ; Torino, 12-16 septembre 2011, Italy URL :