Laboratoire de Conception et Conduite des Systèmes de Production (L2CSP)
Laboratoire L2CSP
- Liza Mameri, Redouane Kara and Said Amari, Performance evaluation of a Flexible Manufacturing System using two formal methods , Proceedings
of the 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology CEIT’2015, Tlemcen (Algeria), May 2015; DOI: 10.1109CEIT.2015.7233167.
- Aldjia Nait Abdesselam, Redouane Kara and Jean Jacques Loiseau, Observer design and feedback controller synthesis with observer in idempotent semiring, Proceedings of the 8 th international workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication VECOS’2014, Bejaia (Algérie), September 2014.
- H. Harrouche, R. Kara , Supervisory Control of DES using Positive Invariance Property t , Proceeding of the 3 rd International Conference on Systems and Control, October 2013, Algiers, Algeria. DOI: 10.1109/ICoSC.2013.6750946.
- Karima Tebani, Said Amari et Redouane Kara , Commande sous contrainte temporelle d’une architecture d’automatisation en réseau de type producteur/consommateur, MSR 2013 – Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs, 13 – 15 novembre 2013, Rennes, France
- Karima Tebani, Said Amari et Redouane Kara , Commande (Max, +) pour garantir un temps de réponse dans les systèmes de commande en réseau , Conférence Internationale sur La Conception & Production Intégrées (CPI 2013), Papier n°246, Octobre 2013.
- Karima Tebani, Said Amari et Redouane Kara, Commande max – plus des architectures d’automatisation distribuées en réseau sous contrainte temporelle , 14ème conférence ROADEF de la société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision. Papier n° 209. Troyes 13-15 Février 2013.
- Liza Mameri, Redouane Kara and Said Amari, Modélisation et évaluation de performances d’un système d’aiguillage par des graphes d’événements temporisés en conflit, Conférence Internationale sur La Conception & Production Intégrées (CPI 2013), Papier n°311, octobre 2013.
- Liza Mameri, Redouane Kara and Said Amari, Application de la théorie des tas à un système d’aiguillage, MSR 2013, Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs, 13 – 15 novembre 2013, Rennes, France.
- Tassadit Becha , Redouane Kara, Simon Collart-Dutilleul and Jean Jacques Loiseau, Modelling, Analysis and Control of Electroplating Line Modelled by P-Time Event Graphs, Proceedings of the 6 th IFAC Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics, September, Fortaleza (Brazil), DOI: 10.3182/20130911-3-BR-3021.00027,
- Redouane Kara, Tassadit Becha, Simon Collart-Dutilleul and Jean Jacques Loiseau, An implicit systems for modelling and control of discrete event systems, Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on System Structure and Control Part of 2013 IFAC Joint Conference SSSC, Grenoble, France, February 4-6, 2013.
- D. Benameur, A. Maidi et S. Djennoune, State Estimation of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems Based on the Tangent Transformations, The 4 th International Conference on Electrical Engineering- ICEE’15 Conference Boumerdes December 13 th to 15 th , 2015.
- S. Kassim, O. Megherbi, H. Hamiche, S. Djennoune, M. Lahdir and M. Bettayeb, Secure Image Transmission Scheme Using Hybrid Encryption Method, International Conference on Automatic Control, Telecommunications and Signals (ICATS’15), Novembre 16-18, 2015, Annaba, ALGERIA.
- Mellah Rabah and Redouane Toumi, Control Bilateral Teleoperation By Compensatory ANFIS, 11 th International Conference Mechatronics 2015, Septembre 21-23, 2015 Warsaw, Poland.
- Mellah Rabah and Redouane Toumi, Compensatory Neuro-Fuzzy Inference (CNFI) Controller for Bilateral Teleoperation, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Septembre 17-18 2015 Rome, Italy.
- Mellah Rabah and Redouane Toumi, Compensatory Neuro-fuzzy Control of Bilateral Teleoperation System, The 20 th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics- MMAR 2015 from August 24 th to August 27 th 2015, miedzyzdroje, Poland.
- S. Kassim, O. Megherbi, H. Hamiche, S. Djennoune, M. Lahdir and M. Bettayeb, Secure data transmission scheme based on fractional-order discrete chaotic system, 3 rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Infprmation Technology 25-27 May 2015, Tlemcen, Algeria.
- Nouara Habrache, Ahmed Maidi, Geometric Control of Bilinear Distributed Parameter Systems,4 th International Conference on Electrical Engineering ( ICEE2015), December 13 th to 15 th , Boumerdes, Algeria.
- Nechaf Hassiba, Saïd Djennoune, Amar Si-Ammour and Maamar Bettayeb, Desing of Unknown Input Observer with delayed Measurements, International Conference on Automatic Control, Telecommunications and Signals (ICATS’15) November 16-18, 2015, Annaba, Algeria.
- D. Benameur, A. Maidi et S. Djennoune, Simulation d’un Système de Diffusion Non Linéaire : Combinaison de la transformation de Kirchhoff et la méthode des Lignes, The International Conference of Modeling and Simulation 2014 (ICMS’2014), in ETB-Blida-Algeria, 21 st to the 23 rd of September 2014.
- H. Hamiche, S. Djennoune and S. Guermah, A Novel Robust Transmission Scheme for Private Digital Communications, The 2 nd International Congress on Telecommunication and Applications ICTA 2014, April 23-24, 2014 Bejaia, Algeria.
- Ahmed Maidi et Jean-Pierre Corriou, Reduction des interactions dans un système Multivariable basée sur l’analyse structurelle, International Conference on Systems and Processing Information, May 12-14, 2013, Guelma, Algeria.
- K. Houacine, R. Mellah, S. Guermah, M. Charif, Neural Fuzzy Control of Driving Wheels for Electric Vehicle, The 3 ed International Conference on System and Control ICSC’13, 29-31 October 2013 Algiers, Algeria.
- S.Djennoune, S. Guermah, A.Si Ammour, H. Hamiche, L.Feddal, S.Merbouti, Synchronization of the fractional-Order Chaotic Chua’s System via Sliding Mode Observer, Proceedings of the 3 rd International Conference on Systems and Control, Algiers, Algeria, October 29-31,2013.
- O. Megherbi, S. Guermah, H. Hamiche, S. Djennoune, M. Ghanes, A novel Transmission Scheme Based on Impulsive Synchronization of Two Colpitts Chaotic Systems, The 3 ed International Conference on System and Control ICSC’13, 29-31 October 2013 Algiers, Algeria.
- Djamah Tounsia, Sadia.Oukacine, Said.Djennoune, Rachid.Mansouri, Maamar.Bettayeb, Multi-model identification of a fractional non linear system, 6 th Workshop on fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Part of 2013 IFAC Joint Conference SSSC, Grenoble, France, February 4-6, 2013.
- Amar.Si Ammour, Said.Djennoune, Malek.Ghanes, Jean pierre.Barbot, Maamar.Bettayeb, Sliding mode control for uncertain input delay fractional order systems, 6 th Workshop on fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Part of 2013 IFAC Joint Conference SSSC, Grenoble, France, February 4-6, 2013.
- Ahmed Maidi et Jean-Pierre Corriou, Commandabilité d’un Système de diffusion Non Linéaire, XIVéme Congrès SFGP 2013, du 8 au 10 Octobre 2013, Cité-Centre de Congrès de Lyon.
- Zedjga Yacine, Dalil Ichalal, Naima Ait Oufroukh, Said Mammar, Vehicle Nonlinear Observer for State and Tire-Road Friction Estimation, 16 th International IEEE Annual Conference on Intellinent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2013), The Hague, The Netherlands, October 6-9, 2013.