Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou

Appel à candidatures pour une bourse de mobilité Erasmus + en partenariat avec l’Université de Huelva, Espagne

19 Oct 2023 | Bourses, Bourses erasmus+


+ CALL FOR ERASMUS mobility between partner countries and the University of

Huelva (UHU)
Key Action 1 (KA 171)


The University of Huelva (UHU) approves the publication of this call for the realization of Teaching (STA) or Training Periods (STT) in the UHU during the spring semester of the 2023/2024 academic year. This program is developed by the European Commission with financial support organized by the Spanish Service for Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) within the Erasmus + Program, approved by the European Parliament in the financial framework 2021-2027. The new Erasmus Programme prioritizes inclusion (persons with special needs and persons from disadvantaged backgrounds), the environment, digitalization and European values).
The purpose of this call is to grant 1 place (to be occupied by academic/administrative staff employed at UMMTO to carry out Erasmus Mobility for Training (STT) or Erasmus Mobility for Teaching Assignment (STA) in the UHU.


1. The number of available places in this call corresponds to funding granted by the European Commission to the University of Huelva, and is based on interinstitutional agreements signed between UHU and UMMTO .
2. Academic staff can choose either teaching mobility or training mobility. Administration staff will carry out training mobility. In both cases, the mobility will take place for a 5 working day period, if possible during the UHU International Week in April 2024.
3 Candidates should send applications and supporting documents to UMMTO International Relations Office for screening.

4. Financial assistance is assigned to help cover maintenance and travel costs during the period of mobility, as specified in paragraph 7.
5. UMMTO will be responsible for selecting and nominating the selected participant as well as organizing preparation for, and recognition of the mobility period.

To participate in this call for Erasmus mobility, applicants must meet the following requirements:
 Being Employed at UMMTO at the time of applying and during the entire period of the mobility. The mobility must not take place in the country of residence of the participant nor where pursuing studies nor working.

Candidates should send the following documents to UMMTO International Office to mobilite.univ@ummto.dz

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Des newsletters du projet ERASMUS-CBHE-LEADS

A Télécharger: First_Newsletter_LEADS_Dissemination_Plan Second_Newsletter_LEADS-AR Second_Newsletter_LEADS-EN Second_Newsletter_LEADS-FR

Appel à candidature

Consulter le lien : https://www.uhu.es/internacionalizacion/bipiw-2024-2025

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