Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou

Appel à candidature au programme de Bourse de mobilité Erasmus + avec l’Université de HUELVA, Espagne

23 Mar 2023 | Bourses erasmus+

CALL FOR ERASMUS+ mobility between Mouloud Mammeri University and the University of Huelva (UHU)
Key Action 1 (KA 107)

The University of Huelva (UHU) approves the publication of this call for the realization of staff mobility periods, for either training and/or teaching mobility in the UHU during the 2022/2023 spring semester. This program is developed by the European Commission with financial support organized by the Spanish Service for Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) within the Erasmus + Program, approved by the
European Parliament in the financial framework 2014-2020, which came into force on 1 January 2014. The new Erasmus + program is part of the Europe 2020 strategy, Education and Training 2020 Rethinking Education and encompasses all initiatives for education, training, youth and sport. This announcement takes place as part of ERASMUS Mobility Projects + Key 1 action in the field of Education, Training and Youth
between Programme Countries and Partner Countries (KA107).
The purpose of this call will be granting 03 places for staff mobility (to be occupied by academic and
administrative staff members) to carry out Erasmus Mobility for Teaching Assignment (STA) and Training Mobility (STT) from UMMTO to the University of Huelva.
– The number of available places in this call corresponds to funding granted by the European
Commission to the University of Huelva, and is based on interinstitutional agreements signed between UHU and UMMTO.
– The mobility will take place during the spring semester of the 2022/2023 academic year, preferably,
during the UHU International Week (June 2023). Candidates should send applications and supporting documents to UMMTO International Relations Office.
– Participants mobility receive financial assistance to cover maintenance costs during the period of mobility as well as financial assistance to cover travel costs.
– UMMTO shall publish this call on its website and give maximum publicity by any other suitable advertising medium.
Candidates should send the following documents to UMMTO International Office to project@ummto.dz
 Motivation letter in English
 List of the activities/content of classes proposed for the mobility
 Certificate, confirmation or self-evaluation of Spanish and English language level
 Document which shows that the candidate is a full time employee of UC at the time of applying.
 CV in English
 Documents relating to other pertinent skills or professional formation (if applicable)
Deadline for applications: 01 April 2023.
For more information, please contact the International Office or contact us by e-mail at: project@ummto.dz

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